冷老师给学员一些学习太极的金玉良言 |
冷老师与同学们合照 |
1)学习太极拳需要‘悟“, 盲目的苦练进步不大,反而累坏了身体
2)学习太极拳贵在于精, 不在于多,现代人常犯的错误,就爱学多多套路而忽略了太极的原理
3) 练习太极时,意念非常重要,揽雀尾不能和野马分鬃混淆了,手法必须清楚,意念分明
This part of Master Leng's golden saying is of utmsot important to beginner:
1) Do not practice taiji blindly, every movement should be done with perception and understanding of the principle, practice by hard is only exhaustion and do not actually help in improve the skill over the time
2) Less is more - people think that they are smart by learning a lot of forms and neglected the importance of internalise it with the taiji principles, taiji form without the principles make it no different then other exercise. A set of simple form like 24 simplified taiji is worth repeated exploration/analyzation with different understanding of the principle
3) Practice with precise intention - a few movement in taiji is quite similar to each other, for example grap the bird's tail and wild horse split mane, play the lute and lift hand, although the hands movement look similar but the intention (意)make both movement totally different
4) Always keep the palm in Yang palm shape when doing Yang style taiji
5) Emphasize the weight transfer when moving the footwork, proper and mindfully weight transfer to achieve the flow and continuity, move in calm and without haste
6)Eye contact, more mindful with eye contact to focus on the intention, always look at the moving hand
7)Body alignment - upright, chin in, head lift, to keep the central of gravity right
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