Sunday, 20 November 2011

2011 Singapore International Martial Art Tournament 2011新加坡国际武林大会

19th & 20th  Nov 2011: This  is the first time we participated in wushu competition under the name of Yio Chu Kang  CC and we came off with flying colours. Out of 11 individual events that we took part in, we won 10 gold medal & a bronze medal, plus a silver trophy for the group event.
After months of hardwork, this is an overwhelming news for all of us and it motivated us to pressed on with greater effort for better taiji.
Here is the after event food for thought for everyone :  neither turn arrogant in victory nor lose heart in defeat, this great experience and achievement is only an episode of life, take it as an inspiration for better tomorrow.

Participants took part in the event:
1)Group Event - Taiji Gongfufan (Silver) : Adeline, Oi Lin, Joanne, Roland, Chi Ming & Seng Long
2) Xiao Juan - Gold in Simplied 24 Forms
3) Oi Lin - Gold in both Sun 73 Competition Routine and 32 sword
4) Joanne - Gold in Sun 73 Competition Routine, 42 Competition Routine & 32 Sword
5) JB Tan - Gold  in 32 Sword & Bronze in Simplified 24
6) David - Gold in both Taichi For Arthritis & 48 Form
7) Roland - Gold in Sun 73 Competition Routine
Last, not forgeting our group leader Amanda, who has been giving them comments for improvement and running all the errands and making all the arrangement to get everything in order

11月19/20日:今天对我们,杨厝港民众俱乐部太极,是一个很开心的日子。第一次参加武术比赛,大家都非常紧张, 连月来的紧密练习和集训,终于不负众望,满载而归。11个个人项目,我们赢得10面金牌,一面铜牌,而团体器械,则赢得了银杯。这个振奋人心的消息,让我们师生们都雀跃万分,更加肯定了大家平常的用心和努力。希望借着这个比赛,激励大家加倍努力,更上一层楼。 胜不骄,败不馁,与大家共勉之。 加油!加油!加油!
Yio Chu Kang CC Taiji Team & supporters
Pls link for more photo : 2011SporeInternationalMartialArtTournament
Group with silver trophy

Taichi Gongfufan

Xiao Juan - Simplified 24 - gold
JB Tan - Gold in 32 sword

JB Tan - Simplied 24 - bronze
David Teo - Gold in Taichi For Arthritis & 48 Forms Taiji

Joanne - 42 competition routine - gold

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