Sunday, 27 November 2011

2nd Gongfu Fan Group Practice @ PAHQ

Today, we are lucky to have good weather to accomplish our mission - the 2nd gongfufan group training
Field marking by Committee and volunteers

Yio Chu Kang CC Team

Break Time

YCKCC team during the moving in
Thanks to all the supports from the committee member, volunteers and trainers that we have a tough but wonderful and success group training tonite, the last at PA field, we are moving into another training phase - the real contingent rehearsal at F1 Pit Building on 11 Dec 2011.

A high point event, performance by 900 contingent, an inspiration with enthusiasm to all participants.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

2011 Singapore International Martial Art Tournament 2011新加坡国际武林大会

19th & 20th  Nov 2011: This  is the first time we participated in wushu competition under the name of Yio Chu Kang  CC and we came off with flying colours. Out of 11 individual events that we took part in, we won 10 gold medal & a bronze medal, plus a silver trophy for the group event.
After months of hardwork, this is an overwhelming news for all of us and it motivated us to pressed on with greater effort for better taiji.
Here is the after event food for thought for everyone :  neither turn arrogant in victory nor lose heart in defeat, this great experience and achievement is only an episode of life, take it as an inspiration for better tomorrow.

Participants took part in the event:
1)Group Event - Taiji Gongfufan (Silver) : Adeline, Oi Lin, Joanne, Roland, Chi Ming & Seng Long
2) Xiao Juan - Gold in Simplied 24 Forms
3) Oi Lin - Gold in both Sun 73 Competition Routine and 32 sword
4) Joanne - Gold in Sun 73 Competition Routine, 42 Competition Routine & 32 Sword
5) JB Tan - Gold  in 32 Sword & Bronze in Simplified 24
6) David - Gold in both Taichi For Arthritis & 48 Form
7) Roland - Gold in Sun 73 Competition Routine
Last, not forgeting our group leader Amanda, who has been giving them comments for improvement and running all the errands and making all the arrangement to get everything in order

11月19/20日:今天对我们,杨厝港民众俱乐部太极,是一个很开心的日子。第一次参加武术比赛,大家都非常紧张, 连月来的紧密练习和集训,终于不负众望,满载而归。11个个人项目,我们赢得10面金牌,一面铜牌,而团体器械,则赢得了银杯。这个振奋人心的消息,让我们师生们都雀跃万分,更加肯定了大家平常的用心和努力。希望借着这个比赛,激励大家加倍努力,更上一层楼。 胜不骄,败不馁,与大家共勉之。 加油!加油!加油!
Yio Chu Kang CC Taiji Team & supporters
Pls link for more photo : 2011SporeInternationalMartialArtTournament
Group with silver trophy

Taichi Gongfufan

Xiao Juan - Simplified 24 - gold
JB Tan - Gold in 32 sword

JB Tan - Simplied 24 - bronze
David Teo - Gold in Taichi For Arthritis & 48 Forms Taiji

Joanne - 42 competition routine - gold

SCEC Variety Nite - Taichi Gongfufan Performance

Invited by Lena Chan, The Vocal Trainer @ YCK CC to perform Taichi Gongfufan for the Variety Nite to celebrate the Senior Citizens Week. Our Taichi Team is getting popular and I can see the significant improvement  and growth of their skill after numerous performance.
The objective of Senior Citizens Week is to encourage elderly to keep active, occupied  and happy  with all kinds of  activities, like singing, dancing, taiji, etc, be sociable and bonded with the community.

Monday, 14 November 2011

有朋自远方来 - 冷先锋师父(深圳) Master Leng XiangFeng from Shenzhen

今晚,我们有幸得到冷先锋师父的到访,获益良多,也让我们的学员有机会看看名师的风范,与他会话。 阔别多年,冷老师这次重回狮城,带队来参加2011新加坡国际武林大会,也见见老朋友。上回他来新时,我有幸随他学习武当太极剑和得到一些陈式老架一路和陈式竞赛套路的提点,还有许多太极的理论。

冷先锋师父来自深圳,自幼习武,曾专程到太极拳发源地河南省陈家沟拜师学艺,并多次得到王二平亲身指教。 他的太极造诣非常高,在国际大型武术比赛中得奖无数,也是国家一级裁判员。他先后在深圳和香港开了武术馆,可谓桃李满天下,另外他也开设了先锋体育用品店。

1)学习太极拳需要‘悟“, 盲目的苦练进步不大,反而累坏了身体
2)学习太极拳贵在于精, 不在于多,现代人常犯的错误,就爱学多多套路而忽略了太极的原理
3) 练习太极时,意念非常重要,揽雀尾不能和野马分鬃混淆了,手法必须清楚,意念分明

This part of Master Leng's golden saying is of utmsot important to beginner:
1) Do not practice taiji blindly, every movement should be done with perception and understanding of the principle, practice by hard  is only exhaustion and do not actually help in improve the skill over the time

2) Less is more - people think that they are smart by learning a lot of forms and neglected the importance of  internalise it with the taiji principles, taiji form without the principles make it no different then other exercise. A set of simple form like 24 simplified taiji is worth repeated exploration/analyzation with different understanding of the principle

3) Practice with precise intention - a few movement in taiji is quite similar to each other, for example grap the bird's tail and wild horse split mane, play the lute and lift hand, although the hands movement look similar but the intention (意)make both movement totally different

4) Always keep the palm in Yang palm shape when doing Yang style taiji

5) Emphasize the weight transfer when moving the footwork, proper and mindfully weight transfer to achieve the flow and continuity, move in calm and without haste

6)Eye contact, more mindful with eye contact to focus on the intention, always look at the moving hand

7)Body alignment - upright, chin in, head lift, to keep the central of gravity right

Sunday, 13 November 2011

1st Chingay Gongfufan Group Training @PA field

After months of practice, sweat with joys too, our team YIO CHU KANG CC TAIJI, we are ready for the 1st chingay gongfufan group training. All the enthusiasm is written on the happy faces.

All the volunteers helping out in the field marking.

Unfortunately, the bad weather hindered the progress and all the training was to be done indoor with much restriction and incoveniency.
Anyway, the team is proud with their proformance.
 Everyone practice hard and regularly, just to make sure they are ready and competent

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Penang Taichi Retreat 1 Nov - 3 Nov

A relaxed and enjoyable Penang Taichi Retreat organised by TPY taichi group.
huge banglow with spacious compound, good for taichi
spacious and cosy internal with 4 big bedroom
The bungalow is located in an exclusive estate zoned for many embassies and rich towkays/tai-tais. Lucky for the latter, they have big luxurous cars to travel in. We had to walk about 2 bus-stops' distance to the main road for shopping & makan. On the flip side, everyone felt much healthier with all the brisk walking during the stay.

We visited Pinang Peranakan Mansion, Reclining Buddha temple, Fort Cornwallis, Penang bridge & many recommended roadside eateries.
Reclining Buddha Temple

Penang Peranakan Mansion

Fort Cornwallis

Wah! tasty Penang Laksa

Lok Lok

Famous Penang Chendol

Delicious Char Kuay Tiaw
 After all the indulgence with good food, luckily we have Taichi to burn up all the calorie
Morning Taichi at Youth Park

Taichi at the big compound