Thursday, 29 August 2013

32 Style Taijiquan Video

Hello, my fellow supporters, my apologies for neglected the blog for sometime.
Here are the new uploaded video on 32 style taijiquan as requested by many of you. Its 3rd section first and allow me sometime to upload the rest.

32 Style taijiquan, section 3, backview

Friday, 22 March 2013

People Association Board Reception hosted by PM

It is my great pleasure and  honour to be invited to the 1st PA Board Meeting of 2013 hosted by Prime Minister.
Together with 3 other trainers whom specialised in different courses, we shared ways the courses helping people improving their health and lifestyle, maintain the value, integrate and bond people through interest group and activities.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Chingay 2013 Appreciation Nite

Taichi Contingent Members

Taichi Contingent won the Best Perfomance Group (more than 300 contingent)
The Chingay 2013 Appreciation Nite put an end to the Chingay 2013.
The success of Chingay is made up of many of faces, be it performers, volunteers, helpers, photographers, all people behind or in front of scene, all of them put in their heart and soul, work towards a common goal - achieving a spectacular parade that is the pride of Singaporean, and we made it on 22nd and 23rd Feb 13.
Tonite we are here again at Sentosa Wave House celebrating the success.
This year, Taichi Contingent won the Best Performance Group for contingent more than 300, being part of the participants and the organizing committee, I feel proud of the contingent and everyone who took part in the performance, we went throught weal and woe and bonded like a big family, the success belongs to everyone.
Taichi Sword performance in water

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Capital 958 城市频道 -interview 

今天我很开心,有机会可以去电视台探访958城市频道的播音室。城市频道星期天傍晚的节目‘三人行’,由邱胜杨和徐惠敏主持,今天访谈的标题是妆艺2013的参与感和后遗症。跟我一起接受访问的还有书法家严崇涨先生和参加 zumba 的 Amanda.

徐惠敏,严崇涨,Gladys,邱胜杨, Amanda

 This is my first time visiting the broadcasting studio of Capital 958FM, I was delighted to have the opportunity to be interviewed on the Chingay experiences and the withdrawal syndrome. Although Chingay completed a week ago but the affection is deeply resounding among the participants, peoples are emotionally bonded after months of training, travelling, sharing together, a sudden break cause a emotional loss, and thats the after effect of Chingay - withrawal syndrome.

Listen to the recorded sound track of the interview, 访问录音:
Part 1 : Interview part 1
Part 2 : Interview part 2
Part 3: Interview part 3

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Chingay 2013 Parade 2 - 23rd Feb 13

Great Work! A successful  performance of  Song Of Righteousness - 1st opening programme of Chingay 2013

Taichi Contingent 600 performers  
Yio Chu kang CC Taichi Group  
Song Of Righteousness  Video recording of Song of Righteouness on Channel 8


Friday, 22 February 2013

Chingay 2013 Parde 1 - 22nd Feb 13

After months of training and practise, now is the moment to show off, exciting.....exciting ....... exciting.....
Ready to go....
Yio Chu Kang CC Team

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Chingay 2013 Full Dress Rehearsal - 21st Feb 13

Looking forward to tonite last rehearsal, to show the readiness of the taichi sword contingent for tomorrow's actual performance.

Yio Chu Kang CC Team
Warm up bare handed practice before going on rehearsal

Everyone is busied with photo taking since the rehearsal is delayed by heavy downpour
The rehearsal is called off finally at the mid of progress due to heavy rain, fortunately, taichi sword is not affected as we are the first to perform.
poor guys, all drenched

Monday, 18 February 2013

Annual Chinese New Year Gathering 新年团拜

每一年, 杨厝港太极俱乐部都会趁此佳节,组织团拜活动,让各个班级的学员欢聚一堂,交流思想、联络感情。同学们都很踊跃的带了好多的食物,有各自的拿手好菜,有各处买的美食,排满了长长的桌子。也不忘了新年习俗捞鱼生,祈愿新年大家健康, Huat ah!
除了尽情享受美食以外,还有同学们悦耳的歌声,唱着首首新年歌。 平时上课时缺少了沟通的时刻,趁着此时,大家也可以认识其他班的朋友,互相交流。


Sunday, 20 January 2013

Angpao lantern making session

Chinese New Year is approaching and its time for us to do some art craft for house decoration. 


Thursday, 17 January 2013

Year 2012 PA Best STARS Trainers

The PA STARS Trainer Awards is an annual event that honours and celebrates the achievements of outstanding trainers, whose efforts have helped PA in fostering friendships, enrich lives and minds, and strengthen community ties. STARS represents the 5 strengths that PA trainers should have.
  • Skilful Mastery of Subject
  • Teaching with PAssion
  • Admirable Professional Image
  • Relevant Learning
  • Sharing and Bonding Skills   

 I am truly honoured to be the winner of the Peoples’ Association (PA) of the year 2012 STARS trainer award. I am flattered to receive this award, and sincerely appreciate the recognition of PA, and the support of my fellow peers and students. However, in accepting this award, I would also like to recognise the invaluable contributions of all who has gone through thick and thin with me. It was only through this union of strength that I managed to make this remarkable achievement.

身为人协太极训导师8年,荣获这个奖项,我感觉非常荣幸及开心,这是一种肯定,也是成就。我要和许多爱护和帮助我的人分享这成果, 这个奖项代表了力量的结合。
首先,我要感谢的是我的启蒙老师黎泰霞老师和程道铨老师,老师的教导,让我终生受益;程老师一直以来的鼓励和和支持,更是我背后的力量。再来,是Yio Chu Kang CC 的管理层及职员们,他们都非常专业,有效率和友善,这些年来我们都维持着非常融洽的合作关系。当然,不能忘记和我一起同甘共苦的助教,助手,班长等,还有 所有同学们,大家的对我的拥护和支持,我深深感激。让我们再努力前进!
感谢 Kelly 帮我打扮得很亮眼
To view more photo, pls link: Trainers Nite photo