Wednesday, 24 August 2011

A special Teacher's Day Gift

A heartfelt card presented by Wed taiji class students    
with the touching wordings

A group photo   
A big thank you to my dearest YCKCC Wed taiji class for the unforgetable and pleasant surprise. From the merticulous preparation of the surprise, I can really feel the sincerity from you all. I truely feel that you all are very bonded as a class, keep it up! :)

Monday, 22 August 2011

Chingay Taichi Gongfu Fan Practice/Rehearsal Dates 妆艺太极功夫扇练习/彩排日期

All Chingay Gongfu Fan participants:  
 Please take note and mark on your calender of all the rehearsal dates
致所有妆艺太极功夫扇参与者: 感谢你们的积极参与和动力,好的开始就是成功的一半, 让我们一起努力加油,应付接下来几个月的紧凑练习和彩排。 希望通过这个功夫扇千人操的挑战,弘扬太极精神,团体精神,打造更美好活跃的社会。 杨厝港民众俱乐部太极拳,加油!加油!

Friday, 12 August 2011

Dinner with Shifu Tay - Zen Taiji 禅门太极

12 Aug 2011 - 为了庆祝教师节及感恩郑顺利师父这三个月的工夫, 让我们顺利的完成禅门太极拳的初级套路, 我们特地约了郑师父一起吃了一顿即健康(素菜)又充满欢笑,令人难忘的晚餐。整整三个小时,便吃边聊,笑话不绝,无所不谈,如雷的笑声此起彼落. 一个幽默的师父加上一群疯狂的学生,餐馆都是我们的笑声, 真是太失态了,善哉,善哉!
 郑师父是个资深的武术教练, 十八般武艺,样样精通,知识渊博,天文地理,历史演艺,幽默十足,上他的课是一种无上的享受。有缘与他学艺真的是我们的福气。
 Shifu Tay's Blog

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Taiji Performance - National Day celebration @ Tiong Bahru East RC

Blk 136 Jln Bukit Merah, 1500 people gathered to celebrate National Day with variety of program.
Simplified 24 form taichi
Taichi for Arthritis
13 Forms Taichi For All
Regimen Fan
Chen Style Old Form
32 sword by Gladys
Chingay Taichi Gongfufan
Sabre By Vannie