Thursday, 27 January 2011

Chinese New Year Angpao Lantern Making Sharing Sesson

27 Jan 2011 -A Chinese New Year angpao lantern making session was conducted for my Thursday and Friday Taiji Class. The session is fun and enjoyable, everyone was satisfied to bring home a nice and self-made lantern at the end of the session although some of the procedure was quite confusing. Some of them even finished another one to make up a pair on their own at home. We have a male classmate Mr Cheah and a Malay classmate, Suhaila, who really enjoy this handcraft session and many thanks to Suhaila for composed the video for such a memorable occassion.
新年的脚步声渐近,到处充满喜洋洋的气氛,在和学生交谈时,话题转到了自己制作红包灯笼的乐趣,心血来潮,当下就决定利用下一个课后的时间教导学生制作红包绣球。很高兴同学们都兴致勃勃的参加,当中有一位男学员,还有一位马来同胞Suhaila也开心的学习这个华族的新年装饰。同学们都是第一次尝试,难免手忙脚乱,摸不着方向,不过大家互相帮助,认真学习,唧唧喳喳,一面动手一面聊天,慢慢的也上手了。开心的是最后的成果,一个个捧着辛苦完成的作品,满足都写在脸上。Lisa 同学骄傲的说她一定要让家人看她亲自完成的灯笼,因为出门前他们还怀疑她是否能胜任。